These studies are a reflection about my recent 2-months trip in Bali. They travelled with me to every little town, along the coast and thought the mountains. I drew them while listening to music, ocean waves and sometimes just pure silence. I was very inspired by the state of flow I could feel while being in constant movement and spending countless hours in the water.
I also spent a lot of time diving and exploring wildlife that lies beneath the waves. For each dive, I tried to captivate every detail. I took mentally notes about sounds, textures and overall feelings. I really wonder how can this moment be translated into a texture and can it be eventually properly articulated in one painting? A question I tried to answer through those study paintings on paper.
You can view and purchase all of my small study paintings, here.
More pictures about my trip, inspirations and the studies in progress:
Photos by @bulus2602, @evolutiondiver and drawings by Chlo Hej.